Warning: This website shows the scheduled train times without on-the-day alternations. Always check with National Rail Enquiries on the day of travel to get up-to-date real time information.
Minimum connection time is 5 minutes.
Trains via FOREST GATE towards SHENFIELD
TOC | XR | XR | XR | XR | XR |
STP | |||||
Train ID | 9W04 | 9W06 | 9W08 | 9W14 | 2W16 |
Headcode | |||||
Origin | PAD | HAF | HWV | PAD | LST |
Destination | SNF | SNF | SNF | SNF | SNF |
Facilities | |||||
Platform | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
00:03 | 00:12 | 00:28 | 00:43 | 01:04 |
00:05 | 00:14 | 00:30 | 00:45 | 01:06 | |
00:08 | 00:16 | 00:33 | 00:47 | 01:09 | |
00:10 | 00:19 | 00:35 | 00:50 | 01:11 |
00:13 | 00:22 | 00:38 | 00:52 | 01:14 | |
00:15 | 00:24 | 00:40 | 00:54 | 01:16 | |
00:17 | 00:26 | 00:42 | 00:56 | 01:18 | |
00:21 | 00:29 | 00:46 | 01:00 | 01:22 |
00:23 | 00:32 | 00:48 | 01:02 | 01:24 | |
00:27 | 00:35 | 00:52 | 01:05 | 01:28 | |
00:31 | 00:39 | 00:56 | 01:09 | 01:32 | |
00:37 | 00:45 | 01:02 | 01:15 | 01:38 |